Sunday, July 15, 2012

home sweet home xx

Australia to America..

Here is just a little  update of the past few weeks, I did have some trouble and confusion on getting back home but all turned out fine and I made it home safe and sound. It was the 2nd of July and my flight from Dubbo to Sydney was scheduled for 6am, so that meant a very early start for us if we had to drive to Dubbo from Gilgandra. The goodbyes were hard, saying goodbye to Stevie probably hurt the most. But anyways there was lots of tears. I was nervous and didn't want to leave. But anyways we got to the airport and some trouble happened. We were about to check in and then the said my name wasnt in the computer and that my flight wasnt scheduled for that day. So I rang home to America and talked to my mom to see what we could do half a world away and there wasnt much, so I was pretty stressed, but also there was a plus to that! I got an extra week in Australia!
We then went back home and to bed, had to explain to many people what happened and why I wasnt back in America already and we were just waiting and waiting for my travel agent to get everything re sorted out. She finally did and confirmed that my flight is on for July 8th, sooo I had 6 more days in my most favourite place on earth! In those 6 days I got to hang out with some friends, I went roo shooting and shot one, went yabbying, and rested up.
My last few weeks in Australia had been filled with farewells and farewell parties. My friends in the bay threw me a huge one and it was such a fun night! Was all a surprise too so that was a blast! My friends in Gil threw me a lil bonfire party after we went to Chinese, it was supposed to be a surprise but that kind of got ruined and I figured it out, haha. Ohh well it was alot of fun still. :)
July 8th, I got on that plane, and was on my way, I had 9,000 miles ahead of me to travel. The goodbyes were hard, once again. The bad thing about living in two completely different places for the year was that I had double the goodbyes which made it really hard on me, alot of tears were shed. Its difficult saying goodbye to people you may never see again.
The flight was so long. I had long layovers and I was just exhausted when I got to my last stop. I went from Dubbo, to Sydney, Sydney to LA, LA to Mineapolis, Mineapolis to Bemidji all by myself, sometimes when I had to get my bags checked into the next check in it took quite some muscle to pile up all my luggage and haul it around but I did manage. My Sydney LA flight was the longest, I tried sleeping but I didnt get to sleep that much, when I did I woke up and I was all confused thinking I was still in Australia while I was in the middle of the pacific ocean! I got to Bemidji Minnesota at 11pm, when I walked off that plane I had so many feelings going through me, I couldnt believe it was finally over. I was finally done being an exchange student, I was in shock by how fast it had happened. I was nervous, nervous to see my family I hadnt seen for a year.But also excited! Once I walked through the door and could see my family through the window I ran to them and my mom had tears in her eyes and so did my sister, I had quite a few family members there to see me. I was happy to be home but also still in shock, I just kept reminding myself that I wasn't even in Australia anymore and that I was back! Still in disbelief, but yup, I made it home. My 2nd day back I invited some friends over and we had a fun day on the lake, got the jetskii out and went tubing and swimming and the lake was so warm. It was really nice catching up with them.
I did come home with an aussie accent, everyone likes it but also thinks its weird haha. I go to australia and get ripped on for my accent, I come home and sitll get ripped on cause of my accent, just cant win! Im excited to start softball up again, and I got a waitressing job to keep me busy this summer. Still nearly 2months left of summer holiday then I will start up grade 11 at Park Rapids HS. Its nice to come back to some hot weather though, I was getting sick of the Aussie cold winter.
But I really do miss Australia, I think about it every day, I think about my friends, family, school, beaches, just plain Australia is what I miss. I'm a a bit homesick. But, hopefully it will pass soon. I skype my friends from there often, and keep in touch. Soon this week or next I will be giving my presentation to my Rotary presentation. Everyone here is glad to have me back, everyone was very welcoming so that helps. In a few weekends I will have a welcome home party for family, and I will have one for friends. So that will be good. Well thats about all I have to say, trying to adjust to life here, thnking about Australia every day. Miss you Aussies! Hope all is well with everyone. Take care!
-Bailee Jo xx