Monday, April 16, 2012

First Week Of Holidays :)

Well over a week of no school, has been so good! Best holidays ever thats for sure! I have done something fun every day of then. Last week I was living with my counselors from Rotary and they took me to Barrington  Tops with Bronte. Barrington Tops is like a big rain forest in NSW. It was absolutely amazing! Felt as if I was in a completely different country, there were vines hanging down everywhere and waterfalls and big trees like eight feet wide. Bronte and I were swinging on the vines and climbing the trees and walking on trees across the rivers and it was just absolutely beautiful there. We had packed a lunch and then we had a picnic. Was a really fun day. On Easter I went up Tomaree Mountain with one of my friends, her name is Kirra. That was really nice. We walked up the mountain and it took nearly 20 mins and then we stayed up there for a while and had another picnic which was really nice looking out on Port Stephens. Port Stephens (Nelson Bay, Fingal Bay, Shoal Bay) is literally like paradise. It is so beautiful! I am extremely lucky to spend half of my exchange here. :)
Also last week my counselors took me and Bronte and Georgia to the Sydney Royal Easter Show. This show is almost exactly like the Minnesota State Fair. It was a really fun day! We went on a few rides, watched some shows, walked around, bought stuff. Funny story.. Me and Georgia, my friend, were going on a spinny ride where the harness comes down from the top automatically once they press a button and just at the last moment I had realised that I should take off my shoes so I reached down to take them off and then the bar started coming down on my back and I got stuck like that! Hahaha. I was so scared, I started screaming and flapping my arms and legs in the air and then the ride manager came by and thankfully saved me. We were laughing so hard we were crying. Hahahhaha. It was the best! And so yeah that was a great day with Georgia and Bronte, so much fun, so many laughs. :)
For three days straight I stayed at my friends Lisa's house and we just been hangin out with friends every night and since its been rainy during the day we just chill and watch movies. Its been a blast. :) Go on my safari soon. Alls good here, moved into my new family. Its been great also. well thats about all I have to say for now! Hope everyone is good. Take care! Love you all. xoxo
-Bailee Jo

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lovin life!

Hey everyone! I am so so so sorry that I havent been able to keep my blog up to date! Still have had limited access to interenet. So I will try and remember what I have been up to the past month here in the bay. :)
Well last weekend was a really fun weekend with the girls. I went to the movie Hungergames with Georgia and Kirra. Hungergames is like the best movie I have ever seen! It was so so good! And then after the movie there was about 8 of us that met up at Hogsbreath for tea. That was great to have a dinner with the girls. I love the friends I have made here! They are the best, I am completely myself around them and we always have the best time and theyre all so funny and just a blast to be around. :) Well after Hogsbreath we went to another friends house and hung out for a while and then I spent the night at Kirra's. So that was a really good weekend.
Last week on Thursday I had a rugby union tournament in Waratah. I had only had two trainings and I barely knew what I was doing but it was the best day! We had four games and we won our first two and lost our second two which was really good for us cause none of the girls on the team have played before! Haha. It was a blast though. It was alot rougher than I thought it would be. Rugby union is like full girl on girl tackel! At the trainings thats basically all they taught us how to do, was tackle. Haha so it was so much fun! Really rough game though, throughout the whole day I got a bloody nose, numb face, slip lip, headache, huge bruises on my elbows, bruised knees, and i had cleat marks on my legs. But was so worth it! And since we were in the top 2 teams of the tourney we will go back in June and play another tournament! Everyone is so keen on that. :) So am I! The next day I could barely walk I was that sore. But was fun anyways.
School.. ehh Im over it already. But thank god today is the first day of holidays! YAY! :) So two weeks off school and then I have my safari on the 18th which will last three weeks. :)
A few weeks ago I went to sydney for the day for a breifing for my safari, they gave us our duffel bags and went over rules and what we would be doing on the trip. So pretty keen for that also should be a blast! A few days after i get back after safari i will go to the music concert groove in the moo! Everyone in the bay cant wait for that so it should be a good day!
The other weekends in March I had a district conference in warren which was for rotary. That was heaps boring to be honest, but it was good to see the other exchange students and the host family i had for the weekend was the sweetest people i know! I really enjoyed that!
Tomorrow I will move in with my counselor for a few days till Tuesday when he will take me bronte and georgia to the sydney royal easter show. :) And then I will move in with Bronte and her family until July! I can not wait! The third host family I was supposed to have is moving to newcastle so my counselor surprised me with telling me that i will be living with bronte! Was the best surprise ever! Bronte is one of my bestfriends here so that will be so much fun! During this holidays the girls are planning on having a lilttle camping trip on the beach and a day of shopping in newy and a mexican night with tacos and all that. Im not too sure what im doing for easter yet, but anyways excited for these holiday. Also a rotarian said he would take me and a few friends deep sea fishing! Aw yay. Excited. Well been so busy havent even had time to think about home! But will be back july 2nd, time really just needs to slow down! Its flying by far too fast and its a scary thought of me back in the states already!
Well anyways, hope all is good with everyone! I should finish up this blog, and my next host family has internet so i will definately try and blog more often! Love you all and take care!
- Bailee Jo
