Monday, February 6, 2012

My weekend. This post got cut off from the last one.

Over the weekend the weather was finally sunny and nice! So I took the kids to the beach and then we just hung around the pool and sunbaked. On Saturday arvo I had Bronte come over and spend the night. We didnt get much sleep, but it was so much fun! :) I love hanging out with that girl, weve become really close within the past two weeks so thats always good. And then Sunday morning I went to church with Bronte, her mum, and my counselor, church was interesting, definately different, and I had felt a little bad since I hadnt gone in Six months but ohh well. So yeah church was good, lots of singing, got introduced to alot of different people. And then Thursday I had my first Rotary meeting. That was good also, they made me feel very welcomed and got me involved so that is good, I will give my presentation to the Rotary club next week I reckon. So I am looking forward to that. Its been really rainy weather here and pretty cold so I havent been able to go to the beach at all, which sucks. But I have been watching Harry Potter non stop now, haha I kind of like addicted to it! Tomorrow after school Im going to hang out with Bronte and then we are going to field hockey. Then Friday I am going over to Claires to stay the night and then in the morning we are going.... SKYDIVING! I can not wait! I am absolutely stoaked! :) I am so excited for that, and then afterwards Ill just come back to the bay, ready for another week of school. Well thats about all for now, this was originally alot longer but then somehow three quarters of it got deleted and Im not in the mood to write that all out!
So this will have to do till next time! Will write soon, thanks for reading, love you all!
-Bailee Jo

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