Sunday, September 25, 2011

Australia continued.. :)

Well gee, havent wrote for a while. Sorry! Been real busy. :) So last week was the Big Exo Day. It was SO MUCH FUN! Exo day is a huge Christian concert in Sydney. A bunch of kids from school went, we took two big buses. Six hours both ways worth of driving, but it was totally worth it. There was lots of different music spots, a skatepark thing, rides, tons of food, little shops. a big stage for the concert, and tents set up with djs and tons of crazy dancing people. It was great! We ended up getting home at five in the morning on Sunday, everyone was sleep deprived but it was absolutely worth it.
So then school has been real good, still enjoying it alot. :) Its been good. And actually the other day I got a letter home from the school saying that I got some maths award for doing well and trying. So thats a plus! Hoping all these classes Im taking will transfer over.
Were now on holiday break for two weeks. :) For school here we go to school for ten weeks at a time with a two week break. Its real nice.
So on Friday I had to leave school a bit early to drive to Dubbo, and from Dubbo me and two other exchange students rode with Rotarians to Tocal... five hours away about. The drive was heaps fun actually, ate tons of Belgium candy till we were sick. Haha. Friday night Annick, Karolina, and I stayed in our own motel room and stayed up way later than we should have. That night was so fun, my abbs hurt so bad from laughing too much. Definately memories I will remember.
Then in the morning we had to wake up super early have tea and then go to the Tocal college where the Rotary weekend was being held. We each got our own dorm rooms which was pretty cool. My Rotary jacket is getting really full! Its awesome! It weighs like eight pounds!
So yeah we met all the outbounds which was nice, and we hung out and had briefing and more stuff like that to help prepare the outbounds and then we played a fun game of footie, and after dinner we had an Aussie Bush Dance. Haha its almost like square dancing with a partner. Everyone had a blast we were all exhausted after that was over. And then Annick and I were getting ready for bed and I locked my key in my room. :/ Haha, so we had to walk around for like a half hour in the dark looking for some one to open it. We got that all solved thank god! Then Sunday we had more briefing and hanging out with students and then the weekend was over, no one wanted it to end. We are all like a family. :) A Rotary family. :) So then I had another five hours back to Dubbo and then an hour from Dubbo to Gilgandra.
Since its holidays were going to the outback tomorrow! :) I cant wait! Go along on some rooing, and yabbying, and go on the pushbikes see the outback, explore, visit family, take a million more photos. :) Cant wait. Then we will get home on Thursday. Will let you know how the outback goes!
Will write again soon.
Bailee Jo

P.s. Ive been here for just over a month and Ive already taken over 2000 photos! Thats crazy! But yeah having a wonderful time, love it here so much, love my family here, love my friends here, love my town. Couldnt ask for anything more! :) Thanks so much Rotary!

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