Thursday, August 18, 2011

Living in the land down under.. and lovin' it!

Well I made it here safe and sound! The flight was very very long and tiring but I managed to survive. I did get a bit of motion sickness on my first two flights though, which wasnt fun, but i got over it in time for my long 15 hour flight. So anyways to pass the time on the planes i would listen to my ipod or watch movies or try to sleep, but that was a little difficult because it was so uncomfortable and i didnt want it to be awkward if my head was lying on the lady's shoulder next to me. Haha. But going through the airports were something else i tell ya. I was wearing my blazer because Rotary tells us to and you wouldne belive how many stares i got. It was pretty funny. But that jacket was annoying to wear when going through security. I had to carefully take it off like a billion times! Going through customs in Australia was stessing me out for a while because customs is very strict and well i had pretty much our whole pantry full of american food in my suitcase! Including wildrice... the look on my familys face when i brought it out of my bag was priceless. Haha they didnt think it was wildrice at first. They thought i had done something illegal. But no worries! It was just wild rice. Haha. And so i made it through customs with all my stuff and they didnt take anything. :)

When i arrived in sydney i had to go through security, exchange my money, (American money is worthless) go through security again, and then i met a Rotarian holding a little sign with my name on it. He was such a nice old man, without him i definately wouldnt have been able to get on my next flight because the airport was so huge and confusing! But once i did get to my gate i ringed my mom to tell her that i had made it safely and she told me she hadnt been able to sleep waiting for a text or a call.. haha whoops. :) So i did get on my flight to Dubbo, and thanked the Rotarian. He was such a nice man.
The Dubbo flight was about forty five minutes and when i walked off that plane walking through the door I saw my host mom Vikki in tears of relief and happiness, I saw my brothers Cameron and Brenton too. I had just the biggest smile on my face since I stepped off that plane. :) So we went out for lunch at Maccas (McDonalds) the portions are smaller here than they are in the states. But all was good. Ohh and when we were walking to the car with my suitcases and everything my host mom says get in the front love. What do I do? Walk to the right side of the car. Haha which was where the drivers seat was. They got a laugh out of that. Good first impression. :P Haha. Driving on the wrong side of the road is SO different! It feels like I could just push on the pedal myself when Im sitting in the front. Haha. So anyways after that we went to the mall to get some things for me like a pillow, school supplies, shampoo and all that. Then we were off for home. :) Which was like a forty five minute drive.
When we got home they showed me around the house. The house is really really big compared to many American houses. I got lost very easily that first day. My room is very nice i like it alot. So then i unpacked everything had the famiy pick out what gifts they wanted. And then we ran to town to get some groceries, Vikki made supper which was chicken and veggies. Here in Aus, they eat their meals in the loung room, which is like a living room. I was so exhausted by bed time. I sleep good that night.
Then yesterday i woke up around ten and had breakfast, and got ready to go sign up for classes and get my uniform at school. The school is very small it has about 300 kids in it. And everyone was just anxious for my arrival. When I walked in I got more stares again. Haha. And then people came and made almost like a circle around me. It was a bit overwhelming, everyone introducing themselves and whatnot. Oh and they all are almost like amazed by my accent. Which i though was kinda funny, because the American accents are like so boring. But anyways.. they like it. :) Sometimes it is really hard to understand the people here because they talk way faster than us americans and then add all the aussie slang on top of that. Haha i find myself saying "what?" alot. So that went very well and then my host mom and i went home to have lunch and then we had to pick up the boys and stevie ( a friend) from school to have afternoon tea. After that we came home, Stevie and I did our nails, Stevie is a girl by the way. And Stevie, Cam, and I just talked hung out listened to music. And then Vikki made lasagna for dinner, it was really good. :) And then off to bed i found myseld exhausted once more.
Today will be my first day of school! :) Will tell you all about it some other time!
Im loving it here, its so beautiful, the people are so nice, and my host family is great. :)
Ive already seen wallabys too! So cool!
Will write soon.
Bye. :)


  1. So glad to see you are feeling at home

  2. Hi Miss Bailee: We think of you often and of course....wonder what you might be doing?!?!?! We enjoy reading the adventures and are very proud of you!! Love you lots! Mom

  3. setting up Toni to comment on the blog, the last attempt came through my log in.
