Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hickeys Falls. :)

My update.. on life. :)

Well this past week went by so fast! It was a little crazy at school with some drama so glad that's over. I got my package from home and that was one of the highlights of my week. :) I was so excited! The smile on my face couldnt have been bigger when I was opening that package! :) Thanks again for that mom! This weekend we went to go see Paranormal Activity as a family plus Stevie, and Jonah (friends from school) . :) That was pretty good, except for all the girly screams from row of girls behind us. Kinda ruined the movie, but anyways it was a real good night. :) Then Saturday I had a nice sleep in and then went and did some softball pitching at the brick wall in our tennis court, then we got the pool area all cleaned up and ready for summer. The brothers, Stevie, and I went for a swim. Felt good. Then I made dinner. And we just watched movies all night. Sunday was another relaxing day. Slept in and then we decided to go to Hickeys Falls for a swim. It is really beautiful there. And then we came home and I went for a run had tea and now Im here writing in my blog, really tired I think Ill be off to bed in a little bit. This will be my last week of tenth grade. Its crazy to think about because my tenth grade was so short, just under a term. Haha. But its kinda cool. Next week because everyone here will be taking state exams and that theyre moving me up a year. And then it will be work experiance pretty soon. Im really excited for that.
Got to skype the family earlier today. :) That was good, they seem to be doing well. Was nice to see them all. Last night I was skyping with a friend living in Germany for a year and we started talking about how much an exchange changes a person. It truly is amazing, like if I would look back on myself three months ago I wouldnt even recognize that Bailee. Ive become so different. An exchange makes you so much more independent, more social, more open to different things. Im more adventurous and love meeting new people. My shyness has slowly dwindled down, which is a good thing! Im eager to learn, I actually like school and get excited to do little projects and stuff. My sense of humour has become so different too. Ive got the full Aussie humour. :) I love it. Haha. Its alot of fun. As my host mum would say, I am very cheeky. Which means like I am sassy. Haha. But yeah anyways Ive just been becoming a new person and I am a little excited to see what I become when this whole experiance is over. I know that it will change me for life. :)
Making the decision to do Rotary Youth Exchange has been thee best choice I have ever made in my life. Its just undescribable. I cant even describe my feelings, its just that great. Ive had to complete Aussie experiance and its just been so good here in Gilgandra. Its going to be so hard to depart when late January comes around.. Saying goodbye to friends, family, Gilgandra.. it will be hard. But will also make me that much stronger. This has been the ultimate Aussie Adventure. <3
Thanks for keeping up to date on my blog! Good to know people appreciate me blogging. :) Hope all is well! As you can see Im doing great.
So thats all for now. I will blog when I feel like it next. :P
Love you all! :)
-Bailee Jo

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sydney Excursion!

Sydney was amazing! We all had such a good time. We left Wednesday morning and had a six hour bus ride to Sydney. It was year ten that went for a geography/history teaching thing. On Wednesday when we got to the hostel we changed clothes and went to the beach for like a mile walk on this walkway path. It was beautiful! The ocean and the beaches were just breath taking! We got alot of photos. Then after that we had about an hour to get dinner at Bondi Beach. Some friends and I had fish and chips then some Cold Rock ice cream. :) That was good. On the ride back to the hostel we stopped at some park to get photos of the Sydney Opera House and The Sydney Harbour Bridge all lit up, it was really cool.  Then it was time to go back to the hostel and around 10:30 we were supposed to be in our beds... But everyone was still awake and we hung out till like 4 in the morning. It was so fun! Lots of memories were made. :) Then we had to wake up at six, have brekky, and then we were off to Sydney Harbour for the geography part. We had some worksheets to fill out and we went on a ferry and this tour guide just talked to us for ages. It was really boring, but then around three in the afternoon we went back to where we were staying and were allowed a few hours to shop on our own. :) That was great. After shopping we went to Manly Beach for dinner and so we got to hang out there for a few hours. Then it was back to the hostel cause we had to wake up early again, but this time it wasnt that late of a night everyone was exhausted. Friday morning we went to a museum and got to look at some ship, which was part of the history bit, it was actually pretty cool. We got to grab lunch and do a little more shopping at Sydney Harbour. And a long seven hour bus ride back. So yeah the excursion was just a blast! But I have to admit it felt pretty good to be back in Gil. This weekend didnt do too much, had Jonah over and so we went swimming in our pool and watched movies, was a really good day. :) And today the family and I just hung out at home, went swimming, did a few chores, and now tomorrow we have school again.
So thats an update on my Aussie Adventures. Im still loving life, its so good that sometimes I just wake up and am in disbelief that Im in another continent having the time of my life. Almost been here for two and a half months. Has been the best two in a half months of my life! I love Australia! :)
Well thats all.
Love you all.
-Bailee Jo

Monday, October 10, 2011

Not much new, still love life. :)

Well as I type this I am on my laptop, music playing, texting, with my swimmers on laying on a towel in the front yard. Can you see why I love my life? :) Haha. But anyways all is good. School started back up for term four on Monday. Back to good ol' year ten. Not going to lie, I was actually a little excited to get back to school to see friends. But the downside is that we have heaps of exams coming up. But next week is the Sydney Year Ten Geography Excursion! :D I cant wait! Well leave Wednesday and get back Friday, stay at a hotel, do the school project thing, and then shop! Yay. :) I cant wait.
Ive already been here for eight weeks exactly. Vikki counted that up today. :/ Its a scary thought that Ive been here for so long, but then again it went by so fast, making it even scarier! No doubt its been the best two months of my life. <3 I want the time here to go by as slow as possible!
Ive started music class at school instead of cooking. Glad I made that change, even though I have no musical talent. Haha. My Rotary counselor said I should know real soon who my family in Newcastle will be. I requested that the family have kids, so thats a good thing. But still a little nervous about moving. I would love to stay in Gilgandra, but just figured it would be better for me to get a whole new experiance. Saying goodbye to everyone here is going to be so hard, so Im just trying not to think of that. :) Tonight Im making taco salad for tea (dinner). They've never had it, so hopefully I dont screw it up. Haha. Well theres the update on life. Love you all. xx
Take care!
-Bailee Jo

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Holiday break!

Well hey everyone, Im still doing great. Loving life. Making memories. Taking photos. Taking in everything that I can. :)
Friday my mum and brothers plus I went to Dubbo to go shopping! Spent an hour in Supre, Brent was my personal assistant, haha he held all the clothes while I shopped. God bless him for being the only straight guy in the shop. Lol. So anyways bought some new clothes so I was excited about that. And Saturday was just a chill day a day to relax and so the family all cuddled up in the lounge room and we watched a couple movies after going to the Cooee festival/ parade going on in Gil. It was some festival thing where there was music and little tents with stuff set up to buy and food and what not. The weather was really crappy and it started downpouring so then that was when we went home and had the movie marathon. :) Sunday Cam and I had  some friends over so that was good too, the friends were guys so we ended up playing a fair bit of video games. :P Haha like xbox or wii. And then we watched movies again, the weather that day was a bit rainy too. We watched the new Smurfs movie, I suggest you watch it! Its the cutest movie ever!
Monday we headed to Gunnaduh to a koala park with the whole family plus Stevie. It was about a two hour drive but so worth it. We packed a picnic for after the park. I love koalas! Theyre adorable, and the man let us in the cage with them and we took heaps of photos and got to pet them or feed them leaves. It was great I didnt wanna leave. I wanted to take one home with me! Wish I could of. Haha. But we did see other animals too, like emu, wallaby, kangaroos, tons of birds, ostriches, wombats, all that. :) Was really cool!
Yesterday was just another chill day, Brent and I played catch for a bit, I went for a run, then took my blanket out in the front yard with my laptop and sunnies and threw on my swim suit working on that summer tan. It was pretty hot out. I felt good to relax after a busy week. :) I think were going to the rodeo next weekend, and during this week were just going to have a bonfire and have some friends over. Should be good. Will update.
Love you all! xx If you have facebook you can add me, my name on there is Bailee Jo Jerger and I have seven albums of life in Australia that I reckon youd enjoy! :) Having a blast, and loving sharing all this. Take care all!

To the Rotary Club: Hope you liked the postcard! :)