Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Well I have had thee best two days at the Dentist in Narromine for work experiance! It's been so cool!
So what I do there is, yesterday I learned how to do the cleaning up after every single patient and how we wipe down the chair and the equiptment and I learned how to set everything back up again. But also whenever a teenager would come in for a teen check I got to do the flouride treatment. :D That was where I would fill these mouthgaurd things with the flouride foam and put them in the patients mouths, then use the suction straw equiptment to get all the saliva out and would have to have my fingers in their mouths to help it move around. Haha I was always so excited when a teenager would walk in! I watched alot of different procedures and learned how to deal with children that are apprehensive about the dentist and picked up some really good tips, asked so many questions, and helped as much as I could. Im just so curious about it all!  And then today I got to do alot more, on top of the cleaning and the flouride treatments I got to be the dental assistant. So I would hand her stuff and then got to help put fillings in and use this special light to harden the fillings and use a different suction thing also when cleaning the teeth. I was awesome and Cate (the dentist) said I did a very good job and was proud of me. :)
When I go back home it would be really sweet if I could maybe get some sort of trainee ship just to learn more about dental and the works. Because it would give me a huge benefit for when I head off to college. So.... if your reading this and your from the dentist in PR, just keep an open mind! ;) I would absolutely love it, even if I didn't get paid. :) The experiance would be awesome.
I have had such a good time, I know for sure that is what I want to do now. Since I was five I've had this dream, and this has given me an edge on it.
Sadly I dont have work experiance tomorrow, but Thursday I do and I can not wait!
Friday I head over to Tocal, for a Rotary weekend! Keen as for that!
This past weekend was very busy also, it was a great weekend! Saturday we went shopping and I got my dress for the dinner. :) We came home and headed down to the river to do some fishing. I went for a motor bike ride with a friend which was really fun too. :) Then we all went swimming. There was me, Brent and Cam, Adrian, Joe, Brendan, and George all kids from school. The only girl. :/ Haha, nah it was all good. After we all went swimming we decided to give golf fishing a go and we got a bunch, I video tapped it too so Ill have to figure out how to put that up. :) We got home very late from the river, had tea, skyped a friend, and then was exhausted.
Sunday I hung out with my friend Mallo. we chilled at the pool and went to the park and had some hot chips. Was fun, but got sunburnt, by accident. :/ Then came home, we put up the tree, and then went for a walk and to bed cause work was the next day.
So all is going amazing here! :)
Loving life at the moment! <3
Just a little something for you all... smile; cause life is so good, you only get to live it once, dont take a single thing for granted. Make every day an adventure, time goes by with the blink of an eye.
Thats why Im taking in as much as I can, living up my 'Aussie Adventure'. :) Life couldnt get any better.
Love you all. <3
Best wishes,
Bailee Jo

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone :)

I dont have much to write about, this week has been pretty good. Its been going on for ages it seems though. Im now in eleventh grade, but doing twelfth grade work. I miss being with my old classmates, but being with new ones is good too. :) Haha theyve taught alot of the Aussie ways and more slang. Theyre lots of fun to hang out with. Next week Ill be job shadowing a dentist, so excited. This weekend me, Stevie, and mumma Vik are going shopping in Dubbo. I need to get a dress for our year ten formal dinner which is next weekend and I also need to get some outfit for work experiance. Havent seen Stevie all week so Im excited to hang out with her. :)
They dont celebrate Thanksgiving here. So today Im sort of missing my family, and missing the traditional Thanksgiving, but mostly the treasured family time.. <3 I made Mark's (my step dad) famous chicken wild rice soup instead and we will have that and fresh baked bread for Thanksgiving dinner tonight so that should be good too!
Time has been going by so fast, its crazy, just like a few more weeks and my stay will be near halfway over. :(
Next weekend I go to Tocal with all the exchange students and we have another fun weekend there! Im so excited! But a bit sad because my bestfriend Annick wont be there, shes from Belgium and had to go home recently for some family dilemas. :/ But still keen! :)
The weather here has been so weird lately, like last week it was just blazing hot and I was dying! And now this week Im wearing my jumper and scarf to school cause its so chilly. And its been really rainy too. I sort of like this weather, at least Im not dying of heat.
Well anyways, the Aussie Christmas cards will be coming out soon! :)
Ill write soon.
Love you all, hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving. Theres lots to be thankful for. :)
Im thankful for my family back home for supporting me, and loving me, and being there for me no matter what. Also all my friends, from America and from here, without them I would be so lost! Im thankfull for Rotary giving me this amazing opportunity, thankful for my Aussie family, they always make me smile and do so much for me. Im a pretty lucky girl to have a life like this I would say. :)
Missing you guys! Thanks for reading. :) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! <3

P.s. Rotary Club I hope you got my letter! Thanks again for everything, I dont think I could say thanks enough. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cookin' the barbie like an Aussie! :D

Crooked Mountain Concert. :)

Castlereagh River.

Me. :)


Sorry I havent wrote in a while, I sort of just forgot to. Well last weekend we went to the Warrumbungle Mountains for the Crooken Mountain concert. It was alot of fun, We went camping and so we got there on Friday night and set up the caravan and I had my own little tent and the boys had swags which are like sleepingbags and a tent in one. So we just had dinner and then hung out with some other kids that were there and just kind of ran around the camp ground it was alot of fun. Then Saturday was when I got my first sunburn in Australia, the concert wasn't until four so we just chilled at the camp site and I got water poured on me haha so I changed into my swimmers and in about three hours I was crazy red. :P  I now wear sunscreen, I did learn my lesson. So then we all got ready for the concert and we were with a big group of people from Gilgandra so we got to the concert and layed our blankets on the ground, our spot was right up front so it was good. And the music was good too, some people went to the front of the stage to dance. I went up for the last song and that was fun. So then it was sort of late when we got back. But it was a fun night hanging out with friends. And then Sunday we packed up kind of early and came home and slept almost all day everyone was so tired. But was a good weekend thats for sure, :)
School has been going great, I actually like going to school to hangout with friends. Ive made some really close friends which is good. All the tenth graders are now done with school for a few weeks so Ill be  going into eleventh grade to finish out the school year, I enjoy year eleven also. :) It is good to be around different people and make more friends.
On Tuesday Vik, Cam, and I went to Wellington for a Rotary presentation. Wellington was about an hour and a half away. But it was worth it, they appreciated my presentation very much. My counselor said it was the best one I had given. :) And the dinner was really good so it was a nice night. When it was time to leave a Rotarian came up to me and told me that I was amazing and was an inspiration for being so young and being such a role model for my country. That probably made my day. :) But anyways they all really really enjoyed it. I also gave the presentation to year ten in English yesterday. All the kids and the teacher liked it. I found out it is alot harder giving a presentation to a room of people that you know and are close to than a bunch of random Rotarians. But anyways I got through that and it went well. :)
This past week the boys, a mate, and I went down to the river to go "golf fishing". It was so much fun! What golf fishing is, is where you take gold clubs and go down to the river and smack fish that swim through. We only hit carp because they are a big pest to everyone here and there is no limit onto how many you can kill. Plus the water doesnt get to deep so its pretty easy too. I think we got a total of twenty for the two days we went out. Its a pretty crazy site, seeing four kids sprinting after these fish swimming so fast and then belting them with golf clubs. Haha. It was a good time. :)
Tonight we are going to go ten pin bowling in Dubbo so that should be good too.
This past week I have experianced a little bit of homesickness but I will get over that. :) Just part of being an exchange student.
Christmas is coming up! I cant wait. Im going to send home a box to my family so its been fun getting presents. :)
I dont for sure have a next host family, they were talking about me living in Nelsons Bay instead of Newcastle. Not one hundred percent sure of what is to happen, but whatever does happen I know it will be an amazing experiance. :)
Well I guess that is about all I have to talk about.
Ill try and update soon!
Love you all! Thanks for reading! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

If you have never been an exchange student..

"How do you know what is a dream if you never accomplished one? How do you know what is an adventure if you never took part in one? How do you know what is anguish if you never said goodbye to your family and friends with your eyes full of tears? How do you know what is being desperate, if you never arrived in a place alone and could not understand a word of what everyone else was saying? How do ...you know what is diversity if you never lived under the same roof with people from all over the world? How do you know what is tolerance, if you never had to get used to something different even if you didn’t like it. How do you know what is autonomy, if you never had the chance to decide something by yourself? How do you know what it means to grow up, if you never stopped being a child to start a new course? How do you know what is to be helpless, if you never wanted to hug someone and had a computer screen to prevent you from doing it? How do you know what is distance, if you never, looking at a map, said “I am so far away”? How do you know what is a language, if you never had to learn one to make friends? How do you know what is patriotism, if you never shouted “ I love my country” holding a flag in your hands? How do you know what is the true reality, if you never had the chance to see a lot of them to make one. How do you know what is an opportunity, if you never caught one? How do you know what is pride, if you never experienced it for yourself at realizing how much you have accomplished? How do you know what is to seize the day, if you never saw the time running so fast? How do you know what is a friend, if the circumstances never showed you the true ones. How do you know what is a family, if you never had one that supported you unconditionally? How do you know what are borders, if you never crossed yours, to see what there was on the other side? How do you know what is imagination, if you never thought about the moment when you would go back home?
How do you know the world, if you have never been an exchange student?"