Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone :)

I dont have much to write about, this week has been pretty good. Its been going on for ages it seems though. Im now in eleventh grade, but doing twelfth grade work. I miss being with my old classmates, but being with new ones is good too. :) Haha theyve taught alot of the Aussie ways and more slang. Theyre lots of fun to hang out with. Next week Ill be job shadowing a dentist, so excited. This weekend me, Stevie, and mumma Vik are going shopping in Dubbo. I need to get a dress for our year ten formal dinner which is next weekend and I also need to get some outfit for work experiance. Havent seen Stevie all week so Im excited to hang out with her. :)
They dont celebrate Thanksgiving here. So today Im sort of missing my family, and missing the traditional Thanksgiving, but mostly the treasured family time.. <3 I made Mark's (my step dad) famous chicken wild rice soup instead and we will have that and fresh baked bread for Thanksgiving dinner tonight so that should be good too!
Time has been going by so fast, its crazy, just like a few more weeks and my stay will be near halfway over. :(
Next weekend I go to Tocal with all the exchange students and we have another fun weekend there! Im so excited! But a bit sad because my bestfriend Annick wont be there, shes from Belgium and had to go home recently for some family dilemas. :/ But still keen! :)
The weather here has been so weird lately, like last week it was just blazing hot and I was dying! And now this week Im wearing my jumper and scarf to school cause its so chilly. And its been really rainy too. I sort of like this weather, at least Im not dying of heat.
Well anyways, the Aussie Christmas cards will be coming out soon! :)
Ill write soon.
Love you all, hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving. Theres lots to be thankful for. :)
Im thankful for my family back home for supporting me, and loving me, and being there for me no matter what. Also all my friends, from America and from here, without them I would be so lost! Im thankfull for Rotary giving me this amazing opportunity, thankful for my Aussie family, they always make me smile and do so much for me. Im a pretty lucky girl to have a life like this I would say. :)
Missing you guys! Thanks for reading. :) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! <3

P.s. Rotary Club I hope you got my letter! Thanks again for everything, I dont think I could say thanks enough. :)

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