Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who says the sky is the limit? Not for me.

SKYDIVING was the most incredible amazing undescribable thing I have ever done in my whole life!
It was definately a HUGE highlight of my exchange year. :)
So we went yesterday, some Rotarians came and picked me and Clairea and Jorge up to travel to Maitland where we would make our dive. :)
We got there and they had to go over our paperwork and make sure that was all set and they had asked us if this was our decision and that we were being pressured into doing this. Haha. We said no way, bring it on!

We got changed into our red jump suits and the sky dive people had helped us into our harnesses. We were so excited! We just couldn't wait, and so they made us wait about forty five minutes waiting for the first set of people to go up and jump. As the time came closer for us to go up I was getting nervous.

And then all of a sudden we were running out the plane and they were tightening up our harnesses again and told us to hop in the plane. It was me with my tandem partner, Claire with her tandem partner, and then two solo divers all in this little plane. I had to sit in my guys lap. And it was about a twenty minute plane ride climb up to reach the mark of 14,000 feet. As we went up we could feel the air gettig colder. Every thousanth foot up it gets 4 degrees Celcuis colder.
The whole time in the plane ride I had a butterfly feeling in my stomach and was so nervous as I put on the goggles and when my partner was giving me instructions and was clipping us together.
We were the last to go out of the plane. So as one by one I was everyone else jump out of the plane. Its just a crazy sight to see, like its definately not something you see everyday so this gave me enough time to freak myself out and when I had my legs dangling over the plane with the door wide open I was screaming and saying like Oh my god oh my god! I dont wanna do this. But then the man on my back was like"Here we go!"
He had pusshed us right out the door and there we were free falling thousands of feet through the open air! The air was freezig cold, I got a brain freeze from it actually. The wind was blowing my cheeks back. My mouth was wide open. My arms were spread. That butterfly feeling in my stomach had gone away because it was all happening so fast! We were supposed to free fall for just one minute, but then we had some difficulties...
Our first parachute FAILED! I never knew what was going on, he didnt tell me, I had just kept on screaming off the top of my lungs but you couldnt even hear it cause we were falling so fast and the wind was coming at my freezig fast so fast. So yeah our first shoot had failed and he had to cut it off and once he cut it off I could feel us falling faster and faster and then I see this parachute hitting the ground that came off us, and had asked the man what that was. He was like Ohh that was just our first parachute. I pretty much freaked out! But by this time he had the backup parachut out and we were safely on our way down over looking the Hunter Valley it was incredible. I felt like a bird, my arms were spread out, huge smile on my face, wind blowing gently, looking out on everything. It was so incredible!
And then we came closer to the ground and had to land. It had stormed all day before we had made our jump so there were huge mud puddles everywhere and thats exactly where we landed. Haha I was soaked, the landing wasnt as rough as I thought it would be. But I ended up with mud on my face and my hair was absolutely crazy and wow it was all just such a rush and it happened all so quickly!

It was so amazing! Like unbelievably amazing! And when I came down everyone was asking who was it that had problems up there cause the first parachute usually doesnt fail, so the odds there were pretty low of that happening and it happened to me! Thank God the second one worked or I may not of been here writing this blog about it and I probably wouldnt have liked it as much. Haha. But yeah it was incredible, and then right after I landed and rang my mom back home and was probably talking like a million words a minute cause I was still on an adrenaline rush!

Can check "SKYDIVING" off my Aussie Bucketlist. :)
Amazing experiance, I wouldnt change it for the world, was definately worth every cent of it.

So there ya have it, my skydiving in Australia experiance. :)


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