Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekend with the Alchin Family. :)

Well this weekend was so good. I had so much fun it was definately a weekend I will remember. :)
Friday night after school I got ready to go to the Maitland fair with Bronte and Lisa, Maitland was about an hour drive away and we had gotten there at about six. So we walked around, went on some really fun rides, ate too much fair food, had too many lollies, felt sick to my stomach, watched a rodeo and had a really really fun night with the girls. :) We ended up getting home at around 12:30, and I didnt get to bed till 1, and was up at eight in the morning to get ready for the Alchin family from Gilgandra to pick me up. They came to the bay to do some boat shopping and so I just hung around with them. Once they picked me up we went to Roman Terrace to go look at the boats and then after that we came back to the bay and grabbed something to eat for lunch then headed back to the motel place where they were staying to go for a swim at the beach. :) So Joe and I went swimming and then after swimming in the ocean we went swimming in the pool, then just hung around the motel for a bit and then went for a walk along the beach. It was really nice. :) After that we went back to the marina to grab a pizza for tea and came back to have tea out by the pool. Joe and I had stayed up pretty late just talking by the pool and then some girls came by at around eleven at night hopped the really big fence and they were pool hopping, so that gave us a laugh, it was pretty funny.
Then this morning we went for another swim at Shoal Bay, the water was freezing cold! My whole body was numb after I got out, afterwards we went out for breakfast at the Marina and then strolled around Nelson Bay main street for a bit. After that they had brought me home. It was a really nice weekend with them, I had enjoyed it alot. And only in 19 days I will be back in Gil! Yay! I am so excited to be home again. :) And Ill be staying for a week, so I definately cant wait for that! I will be counting down the days!

This past week has been great too, its gone by so fast cause Ive been keeping so busy. Ill give you a rundown of how my week went!
Monday:School was really good, all my classes are really easy except Chemistry, but ohh well Ill keep working on that. After school I got ready for HASH, which is that running group thing, I did get named! Everyone at Hash has a nickname and they all have a little story behind their names, alot of the hash people had found out about my skydive adventure and gave me the name "Last Chance" haha so thats what I will be called now whenever I go there. I had to go in the middle of the circle and tell the whole skydive story and then pour the drink of soda on my head and I was so sticky afterwards but it was a really good night!
Tuesday: After school Bronte came over and we hung at the beach. Was so fun! Her and I have become so so close! :) Its really good.
Wednesday: After school went to the beach with friends, went surfing for the second time ever! I did really well! Then after Bronte and I went to field hockey which was alot of fun too. :)
Thursday: School, then after went to the beach and then got ready for my Rotary presentation. I gave my half hour power point presentation. Everyone absolutely loved it! So i was pleased with that. :)
Friday: well that all begins at the begining of this post. :)

I had just found out the day I will go home is July 2nd. When I found out I started to cry, I cant even imagine leaving Australia and all the amazing friends I have made. It almost feels like it isnt real that I will have to leave this country at some point and time. It will be thee hardest thing I will ever have to do, I know that for a fact. I do miss everyone from home, but its just almost like I belong here. It holds such a special part of my heart now. <3

Well thats my update of my week! Hope all is well, take care, will update again next week! Love you all! :)

-Bailee Jo


A big thanks to Rotary again! These past six months have been so amazing, they really have been a dream come true. :)

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