Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Aussie Christmas! :)

My Christmas this year I was away from home, family and friends back in the states. But none of that bothered me from having an amazing time with some awesome family and friends here in my new home. <3
There is about around 20 people staying here at the Gardiner's house. Some brought their caravans and then the rest are just bunking wherever there is room. Christmas eve was pretty hot out, the temps were about in the 80s, we got the slipnslide out and all the kids went on that and that was a blast. Afterwards, we hit the pool. More family was still arriving till late, and Tony came home from his cancer treatment Christmas eve which surprised everyone. Was a good surprise for all though. He had been gone for five weeks. So all the family was together again. <3
Christmas eve night we went for a swim like around midnight and after that everyone was just up talking, Aunty Chrisy made a ginger bread house. There are three fridges completely FULL of food! So much food. So no one went  hungry thats for sure. Then Christmas day everyone woke up early, like around eight and it was present time! I have never seen so many presents under one tree. Santa Clause comes to Australia too! In case you all didn't know that. Haha. Beer, milk, rum balls, and cookies were left out for Santa. Then we left out a carrot, for the reindeers which chewed it up and spit it out all over the floor in the morning.
Everyone made a big circle around the lounge room for present time, and one at a time we would open ours. I got way more than I asked for, I got a pandora charm bracelet with six charms, and then lip glosses, nail polishes, stuffed kangaroo, body wash, hair products, cd, chocolate, and an Aussie calendar. Opening presents was a good time. :)
Then afterwards after all the paper was cleaned up and everyone was done playing with their new toys and that, morning tea was had under the trees in the front yard. This was when we skyped my mom and Mark and introduced the whole Gardiner family to them. For morning tea there was like crackers, fruit, chocolate covered strawberries, dips and chips, and then champagne and apple juice.
After morning tea we kind of just sat around and talked and listened to music and the women were in the kitched getting ready for Christmas lunch. We had Christmas lunch at about 4pm, it was all cold foods. Like shrimp, cold meats, potato salad, veggies, beat root salad, normal salad, and then just a fruit punch for a drink.
Christmas lunch was very good, definately different from what I am used to. Something I will always remember though.
After lunch it was just a time for relaxing really. Some went in the pool, I went for a swim right before lunch. And after I went and crashed in my room. After my nap, then everyone was still in the pool so I went in again and that was so much fun.
Afterwards, everyone was just so tired so we just all layed in the lounge room and watched a comedian on tv, was a good laugh. Well that was pretty much my Aussie Christmas! :) Was absolutely wonderful! I hope to be back some day to celebrate it again. <3
Last night Ive started the packing process, I got pretty sad while I was taking pictures off my walls and emptying my cupards.. I just cant believe how fast six months went by. Will be so hard to leave. But it definately isnt a "Goodbye" it is simply a "See you later!". Over the past six months I have gathered so much stuff! I dont know how I am going to get it home. :O Lots of clothes, and beauty products. Two more days here, it is so scary to think about. Before I know it it will be time for me to come back to America..
On Wednesday at 2:30pm I am taking a bus from Dubbo to Maitland, six hour bus ride by myself. And my counselor will pick me up, to live with her and her family in Newcastle for three weeks.
My birthday is coming up soon too! Just 15 more days! Till I'm sweet sixteen! :) Yay.

This morning I showed everyone here the family calander, and they absolutely loved it. The January section was dedicated to me and Australia. A big smile was on my face when I saw that, it was cute. :)

Well today I think it is just a lazy day, all the famiy is still here, there is still tons of food to be eaten, and also Stevie is over cause this might be the last time I'll see her for a while.

So anyways, that was the update on life! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone! Thanks for reading. Love you all, will post photos soon. :)

Much love: Bailee Jo

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