Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sydney weekend.

Well last weekend we went to Sydney to visit family and that. Was pretty fun, we got to go shopping at Penrith. The mall was huge! Almost as big as mall of america! I didnt buy that much though, trying to save up my money. One of the day we went to Sydney downtown and got photos with the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We watched this one light show that light up a whole cathedral, it was so amazing! The ride home was really long but we came home on Tuesday. Then I had two daays of school left, today was my last day ever as a Gilgandra High School student. Bit sad, its crazy how fast time has flown. Feels like it was just yesterday when it was my first day of school and I walked through those doors and everyone was crowding me staring like I was some sort of alien. Haha.
Only two weeks left here so Im trying hard to squeeze in everything I can! Then next week sometime Ill have my bitter sweet sixteen/farewell party. All we are doing is going out for Chinese and having some girlfriends over afterwards.
The 28th I leave for Newcastle to live there for a month with my counselor and one week with my Canadian friend Claire. Then the 21st of January I will be moving on the Nelson Bay. No more school now untill February, were on summer vacation! Woohooo! :)
Well going to a party tomorrow night, hanging with friends tomorrow arvo, and hopefully the same for Saturday and Sunday. Spend a few days with Stevie next week. Christmas here with all the family. Then soon Ill be off. Have had such an amazing time here!
Thats all I have for now. Will write soon. Love and miss you all! But dont want to think of coming home.
Plans to stay in Australia forever..
1.) Win the lottery!
2.) Accidentally set fire to my passport. ;)
3. Marry an Aussie! ;)

One of those should do itttt! <3

Love you all. Bye, Xoxo
- Bailee Jo

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