Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It was such an amazing birthday! Finally sixteen, I cant believe! I have accomplished way more than I thought I would by this age. To travel 9,000 miles away on my own, to complete strangers, to live for a year. I have had accomplished in learning to make life long friends, I have learned to be more outgoing, and have took in so much information about this country and have taught many people about back home. I have learned to cope with homesickness and get over that. I have lived, I have loved, I have been hurt, and I have survived 16 years of life. <3
Well for my birthday, I spent it with my Canadian bestfriend, her name is Claire we met a few months ago here and have become very close, she lives near New York back home. Anyways, on Mnday, the day before my birthday Claire and I got all cutely dressed and went to Charlestown shopping centre, its a huge huge mall! So we went shopping for a little bit with a friend and then we were off to a party. It took us two buses and a train ride to get there but somehow we managed. I have no idea how, haha but two foreigners managed! The party was with a bunch of other exchange students, like kind of a goodbye to all the outbounds and to say happy birthday to me. Well that was all good fun, it was a blast so many memories made, so many funny stories to tell, definately started my birthday night off great! Then Claire and I got picked up by some friends and we went for a swim at Redhead beach, which was a forty five minute drive but we got there and that was just a blast, the moon was full and the water was nice, the air was warm, and then I turned 16 at midnight on the beach. Was so good! :)
Well Claire and I went back to hers and we slept and woke up with sand absolutely everywhere from the beach the night before, haha we had only got a few hours of sleep, and then we got up and ready and then went over to friends house to hang out and watch Rambo, that was good then we went to Maccas (McDonalds) for some ice cream and then back to Claires where Denise (my host mum) picked me up and took me to the Rotary dinner that was at a surf club on the beach. We socialized, had dinner, and then went for a sunset walk. It was the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen, and then me and some friends went for another night swim. The water was so nice again, and that was how I ended my sixteenth birthday in Australia. It was perfect. :)
Even though I was missing family and friends from home and Gilgandra, I pushed through that and made the most of what I could. Which was a good idea because I know I will never forget this birthday.
We are having the cake today that Denise made me, I thought that was very thoughtful of her to do that. :)
I have a busy few days coming up. Shopping and beach tomorrow, Sydney and party Friday, Saturday I move in with Claire for a week! And then another going away party and all next week I will be doing something every single day most likely beacause Claire just doesnt stop. Haha she is alot of fun to be around. :)
Well then it is ten more days until Nelson Bay, I used to be scared about moving, but now I am so excited to make new friends, with the new atmosphere, new families! Very keen! :)
Also I called my family yesterday just to talk to them and hear their voices on my birthday. The first sentance I said," hey how are you?' Brooke (my little sister goes) OMG! YOUR ACCENT! Hahaha and so did the other siblings, Erika reckoned I sounded weird, gee thanks Erik. But I was so excited to know that Im picking up on it! :)
Well that is about all I have to write about this time, sorry I havent been able to post photos, as soon as I have wifi with my laptop I promise I will post photos from the past month! :)
Love you all! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Was greatly appreciated!
Miss you all.
Best wishes!
-Bailee Jo


P.s. Happy birthday grandma Skinny! <3 Love you!

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