Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The transition over to Nelson Bay, Chapter 3

Well wow, what a few days it has been! On the 21st I moved to Nelson bay, which is about an hour north of Newcastle, this is where I will live for the next six months. :)
On the 21st Greg and Paula Flux (Rotarians) came and picked me up from Claire's house, and we went to their daughters for a bbq. And then it was about eight at night when we got home and I got all situated, they lived maybe five minutes from the beach, their house was very nice and my room was huge. So I got all unpacked, realized I have way too much crap and need to start shipping stuff home soon!
So then the 22nd, on a Sunday I woke up super early. Like 7! That never happens, I dont know whats gotten into me. Haha, cause I love my sleep ins. But anyways I woke up that early, Greg, Paula and I went to Shoal Beach for a morning swim. The water was so nice. We were the only ones swimming at this time of day. I wasnt planning on getting my hair wet because I had it nicely done, but then all of a sudden a huge wave came and smashed me into the sand. It was pretty funny, and embarassing, Greg was laughing at me. After that we dried off and went to a cafe for brekky and a cuppa. Was nice, then went back home and got dressed to go out yachting with another Rotarian family! I was pretty excited, the yacht was 42feet long, and like a luxery boat. We went out at ten and got back around three. We spent lunch on the yactht, and we even got to see dolphins! Was so cool!
Well then in the afternoon my really good friend from Gilgandra, his name is Joe Alchin, him and his family came to the bay for their holiday. So I went to where they were staying and hung out and we went to the beach and watched movies and had a bbq with them it was really nice. :) I really enjoyed it.
Then on Monday, I woke up early again, and headed over to the Alchin's again. They were staying at an apartment about 20 metres from the beach, and there was a pool there too, so whenever we got done swimming in the ocean and were full of sand from body surfing and getting smashed by the waves we would wash off in the pool. Then later that afternoon Greg and Paula picked me up and brought me to HASH. HASH is this group of people, really really fit people! Who meet up once a week, there is a group of like 80 people. And they go on runs/walks for an hour or two, then have drinks, and dinner and just a social thing. I was dumb enough to decide to run the dang thing. Up and down steep sand hills through trees and brush across a nude beach. With blisters in the making and a rolled ankle. Haha, geez that was a rough run. But... I managed to survive! And after the run when everyone was having drinks like everyone got in a big circle and the leader spoke and had all the Americans go in the middle of the circle.. *cough cough* (ME) :/ HAha. But yeah I went to the middle of this big circle and told them about me and then they had this HASH song they sang and I had to down a drink as fast as I could and what I couldnt drink during the time period of the song I had to dump on my head. So that was pretty funny, I did manage to drink most of it. And then I got a tshit and they all call me Miss Minnesota. Because everyone there has a special nickname and you cant call anyone by their real names. Idk its werid but yeah, I just went with it, it ended up being a really good night. I was exhauseted and came straight home to bed!
Then on Tuesday I was up early again! I went for a morning swim with Paula and her friends and then got dropped off at the Alchins. :) Was another lovely day with them, we swam and went on a walk and went out to dinner with their family at a Thai place. It really was an awesome day! I didnt want to say goodbye to them, but will definately be seeing them soon. :)
Then today has been a very busy day too! I woke up early and packed up all my suitcases and then went to help with a Rotary fundraiser at Salamander Bay Shopping Centre. We were selling sausage sizzles, that went well we raised 1,000 dollars for Rotary. :)
Afterwards I got dropped off at my counselors house, Their names are John and Jenny Shaw. They really are lovely people, I get along with them so well and have only known them for a few hours. I have my own suite here with a bathroom huge room and they live literally 30 seconds from the ocean in Fishermans Bay. It is so nice here. I definately will be here more often, theyre great people to be around and even though they have never had an exchange student they can understand me very well. :)
So anyways! Tomorrow is Australia Day! It has been very rainy and crummy weather and its supposed to be like that for tomorrow too. :/ Im going to Nelson Bay to the festival and then move on the my first host family for here in the bay. Will be good to finally get settled in after a month and half of moving to place after place! Cant believe summer holiday is almost over, I start school at Tomaree HighSchool on Monday. Am definately nervous for this start because I wont know anyone, what I liked about Gilgandra was that the school was so small like everyone had added me on facebook before I arrived and I had at least gotten to know a few kids. But hey all apart of the experiance, hey?
Well I will write soon!
Thanks for reading!
Love you all.
Take care! :)
-Bailee Jo

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